Week 8 Day 4 Thursday, March 21, 2019–Hamlet day 5

FORBES hakespeare-squares


swag Shakespeare Dwight


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DeVere?  Da Bard?

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Hot off the press!

Check out today’s info on the Shakespeare OXFORD FELLOWSHIP  website all about the latest film about authorship by Cheryl Eagan-Donovan called Nothing is Truer than Truth (a take-off on DeVere’s family motto!).

Click HERE!     A preview:

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Click HERE to read more . . .


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We Love Hamlet!

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AP Lit Class of 2018

We saw Hamlet in the James J. Hill House

October 2017


Today’s Quote of the Day:

We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.  ~Cynthia Ozick

And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count.  It’s the life in your years.  ~Abraham Lincoln

Words ought to be a little wild, for they are the assault of thoughts on the unthinking. -John Maynard Keynes, economist (1883-1946)

We all grow up with the weight of history on us.  Our ancestors dwell in the attics of our brains as they do in the spiraling chains of knowledge hidden in every cell of our bodies.  ~Shirley Abbott

A good scare is worth more to a man than good advice.  –Edgar Watson Howe, novelist and editor (1853-1937)

Today’s allusion:

Beow.Grendel close-up largeFrankenstein's_monster_(Boris_Karloff) noble savage

Today’s Words of the Day:

Words from chess

Group Check-in:

  1. Debrief yellow quiz
  2.   “I’ve Learned” slips
  3. Wally’s books and treats

Class Plan:



  3. Shakespeare insults

  4. VIDEOS:   Olivier video–sol 1 (min. = 4). BBC, video Ham vs. Claud insults and sol. 1     Mel Gibson Hamlet1 Zeffirelli video–opening through sol. 1 (min. = 13)   Branagh video–Claud’s entrance through sol. 1 (min. = 14)  hamlet.Ethan hawke  Almareyda video–beg through sol. 1 (min. = 10)
  5.   MAYBE VIDEOS:    Branagh video–Claud’s entrance through sol. 1 (min. = 14)  maybe:  Almareyda video–beg through sol. 1 (min. = 10)
  6. IF TIME, GHOST SCENE and soliloquy 2 and ACT 2Hamlet frightens Ophelia  in her closet   VIDEOS:  GHOST SCENE      BBC video–end of ghost and sol. 2 (min. = 6 min.)  Zeffirelli video– (min. = 6 min. 10 sec.) and Branagh video– (min. = 9 min)
  7. Advice Scene!Fulghum’s “Everything I needed to Learn” & cookies and milk (divide up parts)  and play “Wear sunscreen” CD & show “Wear Sunscreen” journal
  8. l If time, start Advice SceneDiscuss Laertes’ advice to Ophelia, why Polonius would want to separate Hamlet & Ophelia, Polonius advice to Ophelia and her response indicative of her character “I do not know my lord what I should think” (like “I think nothing, my lord” in Act 3) Ophelia’s response to Laertes & their relationship, Polonius’ advice speech to Laertes  Click HERE for some advice from Maya Angelou on her 70th birthday!  “I’ve Learned” slips
  9. GHOST VIDEOS–Mel and Branagh

  10. DISCUSS ACT 2 begin ACT 2:  purpose of Reynaldo’s scene–”by indirections find directions out” and  Theories about Hamlet’s behavior

  11. Hamlet frightens Ophelia in her closet and what kind of a guy is Polonius? Theories about Hamlet’s behavior

  12. Fishmonger scene and  Act 2 VIDEOS–Branagh–Norway news and fishmonger + R&G (4 min) and maybe Almareyda video fishmonger scene (9 min.)

  13. ACT 2:  R&G’s arrival & their personalities?   R&G:  “Denmark’s a prison” and “What a piece of work is man” speech and play “HAIR”

  14. Players and why they’ve come

  15. Pyrrhus, Priam, and Hecuba and how this relates to Hamlet

  16.  ACT 2 Soliloquy #3 and “the late innovation,” players and debrief ivory quiz and AP Q’s 24-30

  17. Sir Rolf  does Soliloquy 3????


  1. yellow quiz
  2. stamp and collect WA 15

Tonight’s Homework:

  1. IMG_2212 Screen Shot 2018-02-04 at 6.56.48 PMswedish-fish-oreo1-copyFullSizeRender 21

    Fantastic Healthy Food Friday!!!!!

  2. IMG_1830FerrisBuellerDayoff-TheLoners2FullSizeRender 23bored vs board    CARPE DIEM!  CARPE NOCTUM!

    IMG_1949 No new Lit. HW due tomorrow.

  3. Skull PACKET    

    Maybe do some Hamlet extra credit?  See second page of your SKULL packet for the options.  You may do only one, and it can be with a partner. DUE AT THE END OF HAMLET after Spring Break.  To see the list, clickHERE.  Wally is also open to a creative topic!  Write her a proposal! 


  4.  vs. 

    Lit. Analysis Paper on Paired Works

    Due next week on Wednesday, March 27th by 3:30 pm in Wally’s room.  Turn in paper to Turn-it-in.com by midnight Thursday.

    FullSizeRender 46 All Lit. Analysis Paper questions need to be answered by Olson. Olson’s email is rolson@edenpr.org

    You will need to staple and turn in the following IN ORDER:

    1. grading sheet with the student comment box filled out (Olson takes off 1 point if it isn’t finished.)

    2. the topic outline in FORMAL MLA format (see SM msf section pages msf 6-msf 11.  Double-spaced or single spaced format is okay as there are two models in the SM to follow.  Double-spaced outlines are easier to type.  Watch out for WORD!  It tends to space/indent things wrong.)

    3. the paper–No highlighting should be done anywhere on the paper.

    4. the works-cited page–No highlighting should be done anywhere on WC.

    5. your summer reading book and any supplemental sources.  Make sure you bring your own copy of the summer reading book for doc checks. and double check the editions and how to do the WC page for the novels.


    1. 1.  Sample A–Beardsley  (point by point organization example) Click AP LIT ANALYS A POINT BY POINT STYLE BY STEVE BEARDSLEY_001.

      2.  Sample B–Li (block style organization example) Click AP LIT ANALYSIS B BLOCK STYLE by HE LI_001.

      3.  Sample C–Paulus (point by point organization example) Click AP LIT ANALYSIS C POINT BY POINT STYLE BY BRIAN PAULUS_001.

      2.  Sample D–Farrell (block style organization example) Click AP LIT ANALYSIS D BLOCK STYLE BY ANN FARRELL_001.  NOTE:  Ann Farrell’s paper was done

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