Week 8 Day 4 Friday, March 22, 2019–Hamlet day 5



2014 Hamlet Cast list KATIE HENNEN

IMG_0374      IMG_0376 IMG_0725

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern????

LION KING QUOTE umblr_lh2ws1xhRn1qhsndmo1_400

Lion King and Hamlet Keanu

LION KING HAMLET WITH ANIMALS article-2339722-1A439A34000005DC-606_634x831 LION KING simbahamlet lion-king-22084719-1024-768 lion-king-and-hamlet1

lion-king-hamlet YORICK  the-lion-king-hamlet



Screen Shot 2017-03-29 at 2.11.29 AM

For the Gilligan’s Island parody song on Polonius’ famous Advice speech, click HERE.

Laertes and Ophelia in 1996 Branagh

Laertes & Ophelia

Polonius and Ophelia

Advice!  Advice!  Advice!

 Click HERE for some advice from Maya Angelou on her 70th birthday!

Click HERE for some ADVICE youtube videos–new book called 30 Lessons

Click HERE for Will Smith’s advice.

Click HERE for Steve Job’s advice.

Click HERE for Dwight Shrute’s advice.

Click HERE  for Gert’s advice (age 101).

Click HERE for one more–quotes from Tuesdays with Morrie.

Randy Pausch’s The Last Lecture

Are you a Tigger or an Eyeore?  Are you earnest or are you “hip”?

highlights of “The Last Lecture”  (8:48 min.)


Check out Randy’s speech–”The Last Lecture.”  For a really inspirational story (reminds me of the “Lay of the Last Survivor”), watch these youtube videos about the story of Prof. Randy Pausch from Carnegie-Mellon giving his last lecture (a tradition for retiring professors at C-M to do before leaving to leave their life lessons with their students) at age 47 when he found out he had cancer and only had a few months to live.

  the actual FULL VERSION speech “The Last Lecture”  (1 hour 16 min–well worth it!!)


highlights of “The Last Lecture”  (8:48 min.)


from Randy Pausch’s Carnegie-Mellon grad speech: “We don’t beat the grim reaper by living longer; we beat the grim reaper by living well.”

C-M grad speech 6 min


Inspirational Speech by Dr. Randy Pausch On the Oprah Winfrey Show: The Last Lecture. Dr. Pausch Passed Away On July 25, 2008 on Oprah (10 min.):


the actual speech “The Last Lecture” (1 hour 16 min):


Time Magazine: 10 Questions for Randy Pausch:


Are you a Tigger or an Eyeore?

Earnest vs. Hip?


CBS announcement of Randy’s death


Randy Pausch and Eric Hutchinson to music (3 min. 31 sec)


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIysXLiA5s0&feature=related R

Check these out!

Renaissance Man –Melvin tries to do advice speech


Renaissance Man–To be or not to be rap


Renaissance Man–Henry V Crispin’s Speech


Big Brother “Who’s Shakespeare?”


Beatles do Shakespeare


Crispin’s Day Speech


gilligans_island-show  gilligansisland-hamletbizet

For the Gilligan’s Island parody song on Polonius’ famous Advice speech, click HERE.


Laertes and Ophelia in 1996 Branagh

Laertes & Ophelia

Polonius and Ophelia

Advice!  Advice!  Advice!

 Click HERE for some advice from Maya Angelou on her 70th birthday!

Click HERE for some ADVICE youtube videos–new book called 30 Lessons

Click HERE for Will Smith’s advice.

Click HERE for Steve Job’s advice.

Click HERE for Dwight Shrute’s advice.

Click HERE  for Gert’s advice (age 101).

Click HERE for one more–quotes from Tuesdays with Morrie.

Do you like comparing video versions of Hamlet?  Try these amazing youtube links:









“Polonius, thou art a fishmonger!”





Hamlet’s speech “What a piece of work is man” adopted for use in a song from the hit musical Hair

from the original album https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fstxNFdQWZQ&feature=youtu.be



sheet music what a piece of work


Today’s Quotes about BREVITY:

Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit,
And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes,
I will be brief.
~William Shakespeare, Hamlet

It is with words as with sunbeams.  The more they are condensed, the deeper they burn.  ~Robert Southey

Good things, when short, are twice as good.  ~Baltasar Gracian, The Art of Worldly Wisdom

It is my ambition to say in ten sentences what other men say in whole books – what other men do not say in whole books.  ~Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols

The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.  ~Thomas Jefferson


. . on to the many pivotal scenes from

Act 3

   d90c86c38d914feb5dae5f34886149d1  1377485_10103707087518830_1196865263_n  video_hamlet.gif  Mel Gibson Hamlet24 with Gertrude Mel Gibson Hamlet2 hilt  Ides of March Ides of March movie poster Olivier Thre is nothing either good or bad OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

HamletTennantRecorderByAlastairMuir recorder gibsonha 1988 Guthrie Hamlet_closet have you eyes.web 1988 Guthrie Hamlet closet scene 2 pictures David-Tennant-as-Hamlet-002 ethan Hawke Hamlet

 to be or not to be . . .

1382187_614935471901888_237760842_n Patrick Stewart on Sesame Street with a lesson on

“A B or Not a B”:

Click http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hA7lv1SDzno.


CLICK  http://www.touchpress.com/titles/shakespeares-sonnets/18/Shall-I-compare-thee-to-a-summers-day/ for David Tennant reading “Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day?”

ian McKellen young1 Ian McKellen1

Sir Ian McKellan

2014 Ian and Me & Hamlet


Jude Law does “to be or not to be”

2009 Jude Law Wyndam Theatre Hamlet posterl

To hear an interview about Jude Law’s Hamlet with clips from the actual production in NYC, click HERE  or




Carina meeting Keanu Reeves at intermission at Jude Law’s production of Hamlet




Today’s allusion:

Burning Bush

Words of the Day





Group Check-in:

  1. Weekend
  2. C/C white quiz

Today’s Plan:

  1. ACT 2: purpose of Reynaldo’s scene–”by indirections find directions out” and  Theories about Hamlet’s behavior

  2. R&G’s arrival & their personalities?   R&G:  “Denmark’s a prison” and “What a piece of work is man” speech and play “HAIR”

  3. Players and why they’ve come

  4. Pyrrhus, Priam, and Hecuba and how this relates to Hamlet

  5.  ACT 2 Soliloquy #3 and “the late innovation,” players and debrief ivory quiz and AP Q’s 24-30

  6. Sir Rolf  does Soliloquy 3

  7. DISCUSSION maybe begin Act 3–set-up for Nunnery scene, King’s mini-confession, Prayer Scene (King’s and Hamlet’s soliloquies), videosBegin sol. 4–“To be or not to be”

    1.  VIDEOS:  various versions of Sol. 3–Branagh video–  (min. = 7   Zeffirelli (min. = __),  + Branagh sol. 3 3 1/2 min.), Ian McKellan (5 min. Priam + 5 min. sol. 3) OR Almareyda video– (Dali Lama-swimming pool min. = 10 min. then maybe fast forward to Act 2.2 R&G–5 min.) OR If time, Zeffirelli video– (R&G min. = 7 + 3 min. for soliloquy)
      •  “FUN” VIDEOS:Johnny Carson, Adam Sandler, Dawson’s Creek  and Last Action Hero clip (5 min) and  Ian McKellan (5 min. Priam + 5 min. sol. 3) OR Almareyda video– (Dali Lama-swimming pool min. = 10 min. then maybe fast forward to Act 2.2 R&G–5 min.) OR If time, Zeffirelli video– (R&G min. = 7 + 3 min. for soliloquy) Prayer scene–King’s sol. and Hamlet’s soliloquy and possible videos: Branagh video– (min. = 5 recorders, 1 “witching,” 5 prayer scene) and Last Action Hero clip (5 min) VIDEOS:   SOLILOQUY #4 “To Be” videos: Olivier video–(min. = 5), maybe BBC video– (min. = 5), Zeffirelli video– (min. = 5), Branagh video– (min.=5)  “TO BE” VIDEO SPIN-OFFS:  Johnny Carson, Adam Sandler, Dawson’s Creek

Weekend Homework:

  1. SCANSION WORK:  Do pink practice SCANSION QUIZ and Identifying the Sonnet types on the back (and the Asimov quiz if you would like). 

Do this in pencil!  (If you would like to print out a copy of this, click HERE) The following tips/ info should help you.  TO DETERMINE RHYTHM PATTERN: Try  ITAD:  iambic (u/), trochaic (/u), anapestic (uu/), dactylic (/uu), pentameter.   TO DETERMINE RHYME:  You use small letters to designate the rhyming pattern.  For example, use an “a” to designate the last sound at the end of the first line.  Use a “b” to designate a different sound than sound “a.”  Use a “c” to designate another different sound than sounds “a” or “b.”  Use a “d” to designate another different sound at the end of a line than sounds “a” or “b” or “c,” etc.)       

Click scansion quiz _001  for a copy of this pink Scansion Quiz.   Click here or click HERE for additional scansion exercises with which to practice.


poem small gnats SCANSION                   

Click HERE for about 30 sonnets with which to practice.


DUE MONDAY! ASSIGNMENT H9 #1-5:  CLICK HERE FOR A COPY OF THE HAMLET ASSIGNMENT PACKET  #1:  Read Act 2 pp. 53-60,  #2:  Do sol #3 paraphrase (Click HERE to get a pdf. copy of the Hamlet Soliloquy Packet.),                    #3: AP Q’s 24-30 (Click HERE to get a pdf. copy of the Hamlet AP Question Packet. FOR A COPY OF  AP LIT POETRY TERMS PACKET, CLICK HERE,  #4: ivory quiz  (Click HEREfor a copy of the ivory quiz)  OPTIONAL TONIGHT!  #5:  Do  WA 16  Act 2 TOPICS (1 side), EP Hamlet (1/2 side), Cast List (1/2 side)

 TASK A  ACT 2 TOPICS (one side min.): 
Read carefully over the following topics after finishing Act II.  Choose one or more upon which to write at least a full page of discussion/analysis, etc.  Let your ideas run wild, but ground them in examples/proof from the text.  List page numbers to help remind you where you got the ideas.  We will use these questions as a springboard for small or large-group discussion.  Be sure to write/summarize the question at the front end of your discussion so than anyone reading it can recognize to which question you’re responding right away.                                     HERE ARE THE TOPICS FOR TASK A:                      TOPIC A)      What are the positives Hamlet sees in the world?  What are the negatives?  If he were your best friend, what way of life would he recommend for you to live?  What makes you think so?  Give proof!        TOPIC B) In the soliloquies, it’s said that Hamlet lays bare his true motives and his true weaknesses.  Trace Hamlet’s development/stage in each soliloquy thus far.  Has he changed since the first one?  If so, how?  If not, what makes you think that?  Based on the soliloquies and his action thus far, predict what you think will happen next. Give proof.  TOPIC C)       There are definitely both positives and negatives displayed in Hamlet’s character thus far.  Hamlet says, “Though I am not splentive and rash, yet have I in me something dangerous.”  Find concrete confirmation of both the positives and their less attractive negative counterparts.  If you were Hamlet’s best friend, tell what you think is positive about him and what you think is negative.  Give proof.  TOPIC D Comment on Hamlet’s sanity.  If you were Hamlet’s therapist, would you say he was sane or insane?  What would give us the tendancy to believe the Hamlet is seriously in danger of losing his sanity?  Give proof.  TOPIC E)     Some say that Hamlet does not have the make-up of a man who can commit revenge successfully.  August Wilhelm said:  “He does himself only justice when he says there is no greater dissimilarity than between himself and Hercules.”  Do you think Hamlet has it in him to commit the task (revenge, etc.–see the ghost’s commands) the ghost put on him?  What will it take?  What can he do?  Give proof.f)       Agree or disagree:  Hamlet has legitimate reasons for delays in his revenge.  What are they?  If not, why not?  Give proof.g)      How does “there is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so” express in philosophical terms the CORE of Hamlet’s problem?  List several problems/concerns he has and how each can be viewed as both positive and negative at the same time.  Give proof.h)      The play explores the nature of kingship.  What make a good king?  Is Claudius a good king?  Is he truly the “rottenness in Denmark”?  Would Hamlet make a good king?  Give proof.                                                                                     TASK B (1/2 side min.):  IF HAMLET WERE A STUDENT AT EPHS . . .    If Hamlet were a student at Eden Prairie High School, what type of student would he be? What activities would he choose?  What would his friends be like?  What classes would he take?  Would he have a girlfriend?  Be elected student council president? Add whatever else might seem applicable!   For example, what would the “blurb” under his senior graduation picture say?                                                                                    TASK C (1/2 side min.):  NEW CAST LIST FOR A NEW HAMLET MOVIE?    If you were a director who is making a new movie of Hamlet, who would you cast in the leading roles?   Make a list of at least 5 roles and brainstorm actors who you think would be great for each role.  Explain why.  The actors may be alive now or dead.  You may also choose an actor who is not currently at the age you would prefer for playing the role, too.  For example, maybe Judy Dench is too old to play Ophelia now, but she may have been great as Ophelia when she was younger.  If you want to import a picture to show what the actor looks like, feel free to do that, too. 

2014 Hamlet Cast list KATIE HENNEN

  1.  a-tale-of-two-cities-harold-shull  vs. 


    Click HERE for the Lit. Analysis paper packet.  Click HERE for the grading sheet.  The Lit. Analysis paper is based on 2 Paired Summer Works or 1 summer novel and Beowulf or Grendel.  NOTE:  you do NOT have to highlight anything in the paper.  Bring your two books ONLY if you think you have an unusual edition.  If you use any supplementary sources, you WILL need to bring those/print-outs of those sources. 


    1.  Sample A–Beardsley  (point by point organization example) Click AP LIT ANALYS A POINT BY POINT STYLE BY STEVE BEARDSLEY_001.

    2.  Sample B–Li (block style organization example) Click AP LIT ANALYSIS B BLOCK STYLE by HE LI_001.

    3.  Sample C–Paulus (point by point organization example) Click AP LIT ANALYSIS C POINT BY POINT STYLE BY BRIAN PAULUS_001.

    2.  Sample D–Farrell (block style organization example) Click AP LIT ANALYSIS D BLOCK STYLE BY ANN FARRELL_001.  NOTE:  Ann Farrell’s paper was done before MLA version 7 was in effect, so there are some errors in italicizing titles.

     Click HERE for the Lit. Analysis paper packet.  Click HERE for the grading sheet.  

    SURVIVAL MANUAL purple NOTE: A topic outline is required!  Be sure to consult pages MSF 6-11 in the Survival Manual for how to do an outline.  You may either do a single-spaced or a double-spaced outline. For outline formatting, see the EPHS Survival Manual.                                                                      


           If there are problems, email Olson at rolson@edenpr.org. 

        Here’s how:

        In order to use Turnitin, students must have a Turnitin account. To create an account, you must have a seven-digit class ID and class enrollment password, which can only be provided by your instructor. If you have used Turnitin in the past, see the warning below before creating another account/profile.

        1. Go to www.turnitin.com.

        2. Under the email box in the upper right corner,click on the link “Create Account”.

        3. On the next window, under the “Create a New Account” heading, click on the “Student” link.

        4. Follow the directions on the New User page. You must have a Class ID# and class enrollment password to complete your profile.(Do not cut and paste into these fields.)

        5. Once enrolled, your class will show on your homepage.

        6. Click on the class name and you will see the assignments and submissions for that class.

        Warning: If you have used Turnitin.com in the past, then you may already have an account. Do not create a new account.  Students who have previously created a Turnitin profile will need to log into their existing accounts, as creating duplicate accounts with duplicate class enrollments can cause issues.  To fix these issues, your instructor,possibly the school administrator, and the Turnitin Help Desk will need to be involved.

        Helpful Definitions:

        Class ID #   (for AP Lit it is 5567147) – This is a unique 7 digit identification number for your class.  Your instructor will give you this number.  You need this number to enroll in the class.  If you do not have a Class ID# or have forgotten it, you must contact the instructor.  Turnitin does not provide this information.

        Enrollment Password  (It is YAMS–an important word from Achebe’s novel) – Your enrollment password is provided by your instructor.  If you have not received one, or the one you have is incorrect, you must contact the class instructor.  Turnitin does not provide this information.   (Reminder – All Turnitin passwords are case-sensitive.) 


  1. Skull PACKET    

    Maybe do some Hamlet extra credit?  See second page of your SKULL packet for the options.  You may do only one, and it can be with a partner. DUE AT THE END OF HAMLET after Spring Break.  To see the list, clickHERE.  Wally is also open to a creative topic!  Write her a proposal! 


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