2016 Kenzie's R&J marquee pic 1.7MB.jpg


Permission Forms and Payment Due Monday, Feb. 3rd at 3:00.

Click 2020 SPRING 2nd sem. FIELD TRIP PERMIT FORMS for the Field Trip Permission Forms.

Click 2020 sem 2 AP Lit Parent Letter 2 Field trips for the FIELD TRIP INFO SHEET.

 2015 12.10 Birthday bus selfie SAVE THESE DATES:

  • I have arranged for 2 spectacular field trips:

    1. Screen Shot 2019-09-02 at 7.49.11 PMScreen Shot 2019-09-02 at 7.49.44 PMWednesday, March 4 to the Guthrie to see Twelfth Night 

    Guthrie We are going to the Guthrie Theatre to see Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. Students are excused from school towards the end of 1st hour at 8:30 for the rest of the day.  The cost is $30.00, which will cover a pre-play discussion, the ticket for the play, and transportation.  We will eat lunch at local restaurants near Calhoun Square after the show before we return to school.  Screen Shot 2019-09-02 at 7.50.17 PM

    Guthrie website:   About student matinees:   About Twelfth Night, specifically:

    2. Screen Shot 2019-09-02 at 7.19.34 PMFriday, April 24 to see Romeo and Juliet at Park Square Theatre including interactive Immersion Day workshops!

    We will be spending the entire day at the Park Square Theatre in St. Paul to see the production on their intimate thrust stage as well as participate in an Immersion Day experience!  Students will get a chance to do workshops such as stage make-up, stage combat, improve, and more.  They will have a tour of the theatre and meet the actors, musical director, and lighting designer who will share their craft before the production. We will go out to lunch and then return to the theatre to see the play. Students are excused from school the entire day for this amazing educational experience.  The cost is $40.00, which will cover the Immersion Day workshops, the ticket for the play, a post-play discussion with the director and actors as well as the transportation. 

    Screen Shot 2017-09-09 at 6.13.36 PM.png Here is a link to a description about what you will be doing:

    2016 Kenzie's R&J marquee pic 1.7MB.jpg

2015-target-bemiji-go-set-a-watchman-display HERE IS A TASTE OF THE FUN

(pictures from previous years!):

2015 12.10 Birthday APES selfie 2015 12.10 Birthday bus selfie FullSizeRender 38 IMG_4989 APES marquee IMG_5143 POST PLAY IMG_5122 IMG_5124 IMG_5159 IMG_5130 IMG_5135


2015 04 Dec Park Sq FT Acting Shakespeare 2015 04 Dec Park Sq FT Sam & JingJing fencing

2015 10.29 FT 33 Var 009 Jesse, Katie H, Claire, Becca 

2015 10.29 FT 33 Var 060 2015 10.29 FT 33 Var 061 2015 10.29 FT 33 Var 059  2015 10.29 FT 33 Var 010

2015 12.10 Birthday bus selfie

Guthrie Field Trip this Thursday!

Click HERE to see a video or read more about this Guthrie production.

Be sure to tell your teachers in advance that you will miss school on Thursday.

Meet at 8:20 in Activities Center Lobby

by Concession Stand

Schedule of Events:

9:30 Workshops

  • A Letter to the Write Person (By the blue Glass)

Students will decode the Bard’s language and get the right love letter to the right person and hopefully not create a love triangle.

  • Insult Battle (Proscenium Lobby)

Using Shakespearean language as insults, the students will battle each other and see who has the gift of gab.

  • You Bite Your Thumb at Me!?!: Stage Combat (Endless Bridge)

Students learn hand to hand combat. A demonstration of how stage combat tells a story.

  • Make me Over: Costumes (RR2)

Students recreate the costume of a character from Twelfth Night. They will use unconventional materials to remake the costume on each other.

10:30 Twelfth Night

1:30 Eat at Calhoun Commons

3:00 return to EPHS

Remember to tell your teachers on Monday or Tuesday that you will be gone Wednesday! Here is the information you need:




The restaurants:


NOTE: Bring money for lunch (about 1:00 p.m.) Lunch will be at Calhoun Commons at 3040 Excelsior Blvd, Minneapolis, MN 55416.  Some restaurants there are: Whole Foods (the BEST!), Noodles, Chipotle, Ben & Jerry’s, etc.