Meeting of the Minds

Meeting of the Minds resources

Revised 1.9.2017


Meeting of the Minds!



What about the actual TV show Meeting of Minds?

This popular, award-winning series is your passport to meeting some of the great minds and exciting figures of the past who have influenced mankind and even changed the course of history. Filled with humor, eloquence and thought-provoking controversy, scholars, educators and the press have been unanimous in their praise.


Click HERE (part 1) and HERE (part 2) to see a rare episode of the original Meeting of Minds show hosted by Steve Allen in 1976.  This episode brings fictional characters together to discuss William Shakespeare’s views on the subject of LOVE (and some of its byproducts: Lust, Jealousy, Hate and Murder). These views are expressed by three of his most famous creations: Hamlet (Anthony Costello), Romeo (Charles Lanyer) and Othello (William Marshall). The spectres of Hamlet’s father, Othello’s murdered wife Desdemona, and the evil lago (Fred Sadoff) haunt the proceedings; and when a Mystery Woman from the Bard’s past makes her entrance, something strange happens.  Harris Yulin plays Shakespeare, and Jayne Meadows Allen portrays The Mystery Woman (The Dark Lady of the Sonnets) and Desdemona.


Click HERE (part 1) then HERE (part 2) to see another rare episode of the original Meeting of Minds show hosted by Steve Allen in 1979.  This episode brings together Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, the “father of modern China” (played by Keye Luke, the mystic in the film Gremlins); 19th Century English poet, Elizabeth Barrett Browning (Jayne Meadows Allen in a brilliant performance); Italy’s Nicollo Machiavelli (Alfred Ryder), one of history’s most misunderstood and maligned “villains”; and Aristotle (Bernard Behrens), the learned Greek philosopher.


Meeting of the Minds


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  1. Meeting #1:  Friday, May 16  Decide on themes, find out who wants to do what, exchange numbers/emails, set up a FB page/Google doc?
  2. Meeting #2: Monday, May 19    The script should be in rough draft form and lots of individual brainstorming on the theme done.
  3. Meeting #3: Friday, May 23   The script should be in rough draft form and lots of individual brainstorming on the theme done.
  4. Meeting #4: Tuesday, May 27  The script should be in rough draft form and lots of individual brainstorming on the theme done.
  5. Meeting #5  Friday, May 30th Finalize scripts and last planning session PRACTICE
  6. Meeting #6  DRESS REHEARSAL Monday, June 2nd
  7. PERFORMANCES:  Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (June 2-4)

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Meeting of the Minds


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AP LIT Class of 2012

  1. Here are our Meeting of the Minds GROUPSGROUP 1. Prideful Franky, GROUP  2. Meany Hamlet,  GROUP  3. Hearty Fall,  GROUP 4. Beowulf & Grendel’s TALE
  2. Read carefully through the hand-out outlining our final AP Lit. Project called Meeting of the Minds! CLICK HERE to print out the sheet outlining the project.
  3. Be ready ASAP to sign-up for your role.  Start thinking of universal questions/themes for your groups.  Start thinking about what role YOU would like to play–scriptwriter, costume designer, actor, techie, etc.  There will be a minimum of 8 speaking roles, 2-3 script writers, 2-3 techies (stage manager, lights, music, props, costumes, etc.) 
  4. There are in-class meetings scheduled, but each day during group check-in, ideas should be gathered!   There will be approximately three 20-30 minute group meetings DURING CLASS.  The rest of the meeting time needs to take place after class if needed.  This means that your group members must divide up the work and trust that each group member does his or her part to prepare well for group meetings.
  5. Meeting #1:  Brainstorm themes, find out who wants to do what, exchange numbers/emails, set up a FB page/Google docs?
  6. Meeting #2: meeting is Friday, May 25  Decide on themes, roles, script writers, etc.
  7. Meeting #3: TUESDAY, May 29th, the script should be in rough draft form and lots of individual brainstorming on the theme done.
  8. Meeting #4 is FRIDAY, June 1s  and DRESS REHEARSAL is Monday, June 4th.
  9. The first group will “perform” on Monday, June 4th, and the next two will be on Tuesday, June 5th, and the final group will be on Wednesday, June 6th.